Studies from the text

Detailed and in-depth New Testament studies utilizing the grammar, morphology, and syntax of Koine Greek.

  • The Physical Life of Jesus Reveals Spiritual Life

    The Apostle John writes concerning the physical incarnation of God the Son in the form of Jesus of Nazareth.  This exegetical study of 1 John 1:1 identifies the process by which the Father revealed to humanity the spiritual life which is available to them following salvation.

  • The eternal attributes of Jesus' Spiritual life

    1 John 1:2 interrupts John's deposition regarding the incarnation of God the Son through the physical life of Jesus of Nazareth for a parenthetical apposition identifying the eternal attributes of the spiritual life Jesus revealed in His physical life. This exegetical study details the identifications made by John to further explain the nature of the spiritual message revealed in Jesus' physical life.

  • The Fellowship of Believers with the Father

    Spiritual operation provides the believer the opportunity to have fellowship with other believers.  In 1 John 1:3 the Apostle John identifies that fellowship with other believers is only available when believers operate in the spiritual life birthed at their salvation.  This same spiritual life wherein God Himself operates provides all those who operate within it fellowship, spiritual believer to man, and spiritual believer to God.

  • The Profitability of Scripture

    In Paul's second epistle to Timothy he identifies the four categories wherein Scripture is profitable to the church age believer.  Each of the categories progresses from the preceding category identifying a systematic order in which Scripture is to be studied and pursued.

  • A Brief Look at the Apostasia

    2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 sheds light on the rapture of the church as Jesus returns before the tribulation.  The primary focus of this study is to identify the meaning of the Greek word transliterated as "apostasia" and its impact on the Church Age eschatalogical timeline.